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Image douleur chronique 2_edited.jpg


Find here regular series of simple and accessible exercises, adapted to all fitness levels, to stretch your muscles, improve your flexibility and reconnect with your body.

These exercises should be performed without pain during or after the sequence. If in doubt or have a health problem, seek advice from a healthcare professional before starting these exercises.


What is Biokinergy ?

Biokinergy combines the knowledge of manual therapy, Chinese energetics and reflexology to take care of your body in a global, adapted and unique way for each patient and each session. This technique is practiced by physiotherapists.


By acting on reflex points, the therapist gives the body indications to correct imbalances and thus improve the functioning of your body at the muscular and joint level (for neck pain, tense trapezius muscles, lower back pain, etc.). ..), digestive (gastroesophageal reflux, intestinal disorders), energetic (fatigue, sleep disorders)...


It is therefore a gentle and body-friendly method which has multiple benefits and which addresses numerous functional pathologies but also psyche disorders (stress, insomnia, etc.).


Who is Biokinergy for?

It is for those who want to live in harmony with their body.


Biokinergy addresses the whole body. It can therefore help relieve specific health problems and address functional pathologies.

It can also help overcome fatigue and stress, and maintain physical and psychological balance.


How is Biokinergy ?

The course of a session:​

The session begins with an interview which allows you to find out the symptoms that lead you to consult but also your medical history.


The treatment is provided on a massage table. The biokinergist, thanks to a global vision, will be able to work on the area affected by your symptoms or remotely.


The session ends in a standing position to correct posture if necessary and check the general harmony of the body.


When to use Biokinergie?

​Atelier collectif :


Participez à un atelier de 8h divisé en 2 demi-journées, limité à 5 participants.

Prochaine session : 14 et 28 avril, de 14 à 18h au cabinet du 4ter rue ferrachat 69005 LYON

Participation : 95€ (la totalité du règlement est à effectuer lors du premier atelier)

Frequency and number of sessions:

The number of sessions varies depending on the symptoms that lead you to consult. For an acute problem, generally three sessions may be enough. For a chronic pathology (chronic pain, chronic low back pain, etc.), the treatment will then be recurrent, the frequency of the sessions will be adapted to each person.

The frequency also varies from person to person. Most often, a period of 3 weeks must be respected between two sessions.


After a few sessions, your body will guide you as to whether or not you need another appointment.

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